Clean Air Environments in Medical Office Buildings - Make Sure Your Facility is Equipped


Many healthcare institutions have affiliations with medical office buildings. With hospital facilities overcrowded, medical office buildings have been used for treatment and other minor procedures. Many of these rooms do not have the required airflow, outside air, or control to meet optimum medical conditions. Many of these spaces do not satisfy the Facility Guideline Institute (FGI) requirements to assure safe environments that are necessary for hospitals. In these spaces and other facilities, where there are less stringent requirements but the same premise, there is a lack of outside air ventilation, air change rates, and filtration that play a big part in safe and clean air improvements. There are several solutions such as UV-C lighting, portable filtration, and control solutions that can be discussed depending on your building systems and requirements for the space.

Feel free to contact us to discuss how we can help. Wick Fisher White can partner with you to review your building systems even if you're on a limited budget.
